NCC Cyprus at EuroHPC Summit 2024

This March, two of our engineers (Minas Trattou and Christodoulos Stylianou), had the opportunity to represent NCC Cyprus at the EuroHPC Summit 2024, held in Antwerp, Belgium. The event brought together a diverse group of participants from across Europe and beyond, making it a melting pot of ideas and discussions centered around the future of High-Performance Computing (HPC). As attendees, we were part of an audience that spanned industry professionals, policymakers, researchers, and students, all coming together to share their insights and visions for the HPC landscape.

One of the core themes this year was the exploration of exascale computing, AI’s role in HPC, and the strides being made in quantum computing. The Summit’s structure, with its mix of plenary and parallel sessions, offered a broad overview of current trends and detailed technical knowledge, ensuring that all participants could find value in the discussions. Our active involvement in the “Elevate and Collaborate: European HPC NCCs and CoEs Workshop” session was particularly rewarding. This session underscored the importance of collaboration among National Competence Centers (NCCs) and Centers of Excellence (CoEs) in HPC across Europe. It was a space for sharing experiences, challenges, and best practices, contributing to our collective goal of strengthening the European HPC ecosystem.

Moreover, the emphasis on education and networking at the Summit resonated with us. Seeing the engagement of EUMaster4HPC students as ambassadors and participants underscored the importance of bridging the gap between current professionals and the next generation in the field. The EuroHPC Demo Lab and the career fair were standout features, showcasing the potential of EuroHPC supercomputers and facilitating connections between students and industry leaders.

Reflecting on our time at the EuroHPC Summit 2024, we appreciate the depth and breadth of discussions that took place. It was a reminder of the vibrant community working tirelessly to advance HPC initiatives. We are inspired to bring back the knowledge and connections we’ve gained to Cyprus, contributing to the local and European HPC landscape.