
Meet the NCC Team

Professor/Director of CaSToRC
Principal Investigator, HPDA & ML Expert
Associate Professor 
HPC Expert 
Associate Professor
ML/AI Expert
Research Engineer
“Collaboration” Task Leader
Managing Coordinator
“Service Portfolio and Competence Management” Task Leader
Associate Research Scientist
“Services to and Interaction with Academia and Public Administration” Task Leader
Post-Doctoral Fellow
Computational and Data Scientist
Associate Research Scientist
“Training and Skills Development” Task Leader
Scientific Coordinator
“NCC Management” Task Leader
Managing Coordinator
“Services to and Interaction with Industry” Task Leader

Associate Research Scientist 

High-Performance Data Analytics Expert

Research Engineer

Research Software Engineer

HPC expert

Computational Scientist

HPC expert

Head of HPC Facility

HPC expert

Research Engineer

“Awareness Creation and Communication” Task Leader 

Research Engineer