Zephyr goes to the Reflect Festival 2024

On May 30th and 31st, 2024, Zephyr, our miniature supercomputer, was featured at the Reflect Festival in Limassol. Reflect Festival, renowned for bringing together startups, investors, and tech enthusiasts from Europe, Africa, and the Middle East, provided an excellent platform for showcasing high-performance computing (HPC).

Zephyr’s interactive simulations and LED displays drew significant interest, simplifying complex HPC concepts for a diverse audience. The event also facilitated potential collaborations, as many attendees expressed interest in potentially integrating the use of HPC systems into their projects. Reflect Festival 2024 was a valuable opportunity to connect with innovators and expand our network in the tech community.

Early in the fair, Zephyr captured the attention and interest of young attendees with its interactive simulations and flashing LEDs. It quickly transformed complex concepts of high-performance computing (HPC) into accessible, hands-on learning experiences for young people.

For more info on Zephyr, you can check out its debut in this post: https://eurocc.cyi.ac.cy/zephyr-attends-scyence-fair-2024/