Zephyr Lights Up the Youth Makers Fair 2024

On June 2nd, 2024, Zephyr, our compact supercomputer, participated in the Youth Makers Fair 2024 in Larnaka, organised by Youth Makerspace Larnaka. The fair brought together young tech enthusiasts, creators, and the general public for a day of interactive exhibits and workshops.
Zephyr’s engaging simulations and LED displays made high-performance computing (HPC) concepts accessible and interactive. Young innovators explored Zephyr’s potential in solving real-world challenges, sparking their curiosity and creativity. The Youth Makers Fair 2024 was a dynamic and successful event, inspiring the next generation of tech enthusiasts.

For more info on Zephyr, you can check out its debut in this post: https://eurocc.cyi.ac.cy/zephyr-attends-scyence-fair-2024/