Dendritic contributions to learning in biological and artificial networks

Register here Agenda 13:00 – 14:00 Prof. Panayiota Poirazi Title: Dendritic contributions to learning in biological and artificial networks Dendrites are thin processes that extend from the cell body of neurons and receive the vast majority of synaptic input. Their biophysical, anatomical and plasticity properties allow them to shape incoming signals in complex ways and … Read more

How the ChEESE CoE is Developing HPC-based Software and Services to Address Natural Hazards

Date: Tuesday, February  18th, 2025, 13:00-14:00 Cyprus Time.  Venue:This training event is held as a hybrid event. You are welcome to join us at the John Ioannides Auditorium, The Cyprus Institute. Otherwise please, connect to our live stream of the discussion, available on Zoom (Password: VsSCz1)  Language: English  Register here Agenda 13:00 – 14:00 Prof. Arnau Folch Title: … Read more

Towards Exascale Physically-based Computational Hydrology

Date: Tuesday, February  4th, 2025, 13:00-14:00 Cyprus Time.  Venue:This seminar event is held as a hybrid event. You are welcome to join us at the John Ioannides Auditorium, The Cyprus Institute. Otherwise please, connect to our live stream of the discussion, available on Zoom (Password: VsSCz1)  Language: English  Register here Agenda 13:00 – 14:00 Dr. Daniel Caviedes-Voullième Title: … Read more

Awards Ceremony & Practical Discussions

The primary objective of this event is to showcase the innovative solutions developed during the Hackathon while celebrating and recognizing the top-performing teams for their outstanding contributions through an award-giving ceremony. In addition to the celebration, the event seeks to foster collaboration among participants and the Cyprus Institute (CyI) researchers by initiating practical discussions on … Read more

Finite Element Modeling, HPC and Machine Learning for the Development of Predictive Models in Structural Engineering

Date: Tuesday, December 10th, 2024, 13:00-14:00 Cyprus Time.  Venue: This training event is held as a hybrid event. You are welcome to join us at the John Ioannides Auditorium, The Cyprus Institute. Otherwise please, connect to our live stream of the discussion, available on Zoom (Password: VsSCz1)  Language: English  Registration: Registration for this event is open until Monday, … Read more

Neural nets do not need to be a black box: the recent mathematics of deep learning

<b>Date: </b>Tuesday, January 14th, 2025, 13:00-14:00 Cyprus Time.  Venue:This training event is held as a hybrid event. You are welcome to join us at the Richard Cooper Auditirium, The Cyprus Institute. Otherwise please, connect to our live stream of the discussion, available on Zoom (Password: VsSCz1)  Language: English  Agenda 13:00 – 14:00 Prof. Constantine Dovrolis Title: Neural nets … Read more

Optimize Your Code: Intro to Profiling for HPC & AI Applications 

Date: Wednesday, December 11, 2024, 10:00-14:00, Cyprus time Venue: This training event is held as a hybrid event. You are welcome to join us at the Andreas Mouskos Auditorium, José Mariano Gago Hall, The Cyprus Institute. Otherwise please, connect to our live stream of the discussion, available on Zoom (Password: VsSCz1)  Language: English  Registration: Registration for this event is open … Read more

Hello Radius – Consultation services

Automated Data Anonymisation Framework for Human Resources Hello Radius is an AI-powered hiring platform that accelerates and secures recruitment by using skill-matching and anonymisation technology to reduce bias and protect candidate data. The company needed a reliable way to anonymise sensitive data in candidate CVs, such as names, addresses, and phone numbers, to ensure compliance … Read more

Supercomputing for All: Getting Started with HPC & AI Resources

Github link Date: Friday, November 29, 2024, 10:00-13:00, Cyprus time Venue: This training event is held as a hybrid event. You are welcome to join us at the Andreas Mouskos Auditorium, José Mariano Gago Hall, The Cyprus Institute. Otherwise please, connect to our live stream of the discussion, available on Zoom (Password: VsSCz1)  Language: English  Registration: Registration for this event … Read more

Large Scale Machine Learning for Visual and Multimodal Data

Date: Thursday, November 7, 2024, 10:00-13:00, Cyprus time  Venue: This training event is held as a hybrid event. You are welcome to join us at the Andreas Mouskos Auditorium, José Mariano Gago Hall, The Cyprus Institute. Otherwise please, connect to our live stream of the discussion, available on Zoom (Password: VsSCz1)  Language: English  Registration: Registration for this event is open … Read more